The jungle trend, which brings the exotic home, has enjoyed great popularity for years. This expresses people’s need for an individual island of tranquility amid the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Leaves and flowers remain, the elaboration changes. More and more the focus is on the graphic-abstract and imaginative, which shows a fantastic variety of flora and fauna. SPIRIT OF JUNGLE picks up this tendency of the main trend in a wonderful and colorful way.


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The collection includes the following designs:

  • a realistic image of a heron in front of palm trees
  • colorful hummingbirds in front of palm leaves – one colorful, one muted
  • abstract plant images in Skandi style – friends of pastel colors will find what they are looking for here
  • Monstera and fern leaves in color-intensive design
  • the enchanting blossom of a calla, worked out in four colors that are coordinated down to the smallest detail
  • leaves drawn with watercolors, similar to the Pilea, the plate plant in four colors.

The name of the collection SPIRIT OF JUNGLE raises clear expectations regarding the color schemes of this collection. And these are not disappointed. Many of the wallpapers are exotically colorful, others are restrained. That is good, because only if one uses also quiet tones, the loud ones unfold their effect.
In addition to the 21 motifs, the collection offers 25 plain colors in matching colorways.

special features


All SPIRIT OF JUNGLE articles are highly wash-resistant, UV-resistant and are applied with solvent-free oil-based inks. The result is characterized by brilliant print quality, with the intensity of the individual nuances enhanced by the almost textile-like feel of the carrier material. This is also responsible for the fact that the products are very robust – an absolute advantage when processing using wall adhesive technology. Thanks to the tapered edge trim, seams that show through are a thing of the past.

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